Leh Ladakh Trip: a High-altitude Adventure

Leh Ladakh Trip: a High-altitude Adventure

Leh Ladakh, often called “Heaven on Earth,” truly lives up to its name.

There’s something magical about Leh in Ladakh. Breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural experiences, and a constant sense of wonder. Immerse yourself in the rich Buddhist culture and conquer the world’s highest motorable road, Khardung La pass.

My journey to Leh Ladakh in September 2023 was an eight-day adventure arranged by a tour operator. We traveled from Bhopal to Delhi and then took a flight to Leh’s Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport.

Upon arrival, we were met by our tempo traveler and taken to the hotel. We were advised to rest for a few hours to acclimate to the lower oxygen levels at high altitude. After breakfast and some sleep, I ventured out to see the nearby Shanti Stupa.

A Cultural & Scenic Adventure in Leh Ladakh

Leh’s beauty is undeniable, with a stunning contrast between the stony hills on one side and the snow-capped peaks on the other. The local market offers a glimpse into Ladakh life. I felt so close to nature. One can breathe that fresh air and the calmness that one can feel is next level. India through a lens is just magical and words are cannot able to describe that feeling!

The second day brought the privilege of visiting Gurudwara Paththar Sahib and the fascinating Hills. Our next adventure was rafting on the Indus and Zanskar rivers. It is considered the world’s highest point for river rafting. This exhilarating experience was made even more special by the sight of the two rivers flowing towards Pakistan.

Immerse yourself in the rich Buddhist culture and conquer the world's highest motorable road, Khardung La.

Leh Ladakh Trip: a High-altitude Adventure

Natural beauty is one of the most striking aspects of Leh Ladakh. Also, it is a reminder of our soldiers’ dedication. Throughout the journey, we encountered army personnel diligently guarding the borders. Seeing the tricolor flutter proudly against the snow-capped mountains filled me with immense respect.

Our soldiers’ bravery was showcased in the Hall of Fame, a museum dedicated to the Kargil War. The captivating sound and light show in the evening further emphasized the sacrifices made during the conflict. Our journey then took us to Khardung La Top, one of the world’s highest motorable road.

The sight of heavy snowfall and snow-covered landscapes was truly awe-inspiring. Even in the bone-chilling cold, we enjoyed a cup of coffee (Rs 50) and admired our soldiers for enduring such conditions.

Leh Ladakh is deeply influenced by Buddhism, evident in the numerous monasteries perched atop high hills. During our travels, we encountered Changla Baba Dev Sthan near the army base at Changla Pass. Even amidst the snow, the soldiers remained vigilant in their duty.

We continued our journey towards Nubra Valley, a cold desert with captivating sand dunes along the way. Flower Valley, with its double-humped camels and golden sands, offers a unique landscape. A thrilling four-wheeler bike ride through the desert added to the excitement. The night stay in an AC tent provided a comfortable experience.

Sand Dunes, and Serenity: My Leh Ladakh Adventure

An Unforgettable Journey

Pangong Tso, also called Pangong Lake, is a sight to behold. Despite limitations on permanent structures due to environmental concerns, temporary accommodations were available. Even though there wasn’t constant electricity or water, the food (especially vegetarian options) made up for it. The night, however, was a different story. Despite the AC tent and layers of clothing, the extreme cold made sleeping difficult.

Despite the challenges, the breathtaking beauty of Pangong Tso at sunrise was worth every sleepless moment. The vast expanse of the clear blue lake, with its gravel shore, is a sight that remains etched in my memory.

This is the same lake featured in the climax of the Bollywood blockbuster “3 Idiots.” Our exploration also included visits to the Rancho School in the movie, the Royal Palace, and other notable locations.

An Unforgettable Journey Through Leh Ladakh

Leh Ladakh isn’t exactly in the main Himalayan range. But it’s nestled between the Great Himalayas and Karakorum ranges, still part of the larger Himalayan area. Think of it as the high-altitude cousin of the Himalayas! Leh Ladakh is an experience unlike any other.

You’ll experience breathtaking beauty, a rich culture, and the unwavering spirit of our soldiers. If you’re looking for somewhere that leaves you breathless, add Leh Ladakh to your bucket list.

Exploring the Untamed Spirit

I want to visit again Leh Ladakh again. Beautiful views, great food. Though it was cloudy when I went there, Ladakh was the best trip of my life. When I arrived in Leh Ladakh, it was -20•C, in a freezing and silent desert.

The evening walks to Shanti Stupa and the Saturday evening show at Leh’s main market. The short little escapes to nearby villages on weekends and all. It’s perfect.

For some ordinary persons, it could sound like “crazy” flying up the Himalayan mountains for a holiday during the coldest time of the year. However, it was my choice to experiment a such different and unique experience in India.

The fact that Leh Ladakh has become so easily accessible is good as well as bad at the same time. It is good for locals, with good roads, cheaper transportation, increased income, and a better standard of living. Bad, as the true essence of the place is lost due to a large number of tourists. It may also disturb the natural beauty of the place (if tourists are not responsible).

I will never forget these days. I felt so energized, so special, so delighted. I pretend to go back and stay longer and in different seasons to explore more.

Article by: Sushil Verma.

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