
Beetlejuice 2: Still Haunting the Box Office

Movies. Beetlejuice 2. Still Haunting the Box Office. With over $300 million worldwide, this sequel has proven to be a hit.

Three decades later, and Beetlejuice still knows how to make an entrance. Talk about aging like a fine wine… or should I say, a fine whine? They could have printed money for the last 30 years with a couple sequels and a spin-off or two. Oh well. At least we got this one.

Beetlejuice 2: Still Haunting the Box Office

Great showing. There’s a perfect chance for them to finish off the series with Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. I actually like how chaotic and unpredictable the movie is!! You get a sense that this world is not supposed to make sense, and even a character points out how random the world is!!

Michael Keaton is 73 and Catherine O’hara is 70. They are incredible! It’s really nice to see Hollywood giving great older actors good roles and not just old grandma grandpa crap.

Beetlejuice 2: Still Haunting the Box Office

I’m just shocked that Tim Burton and Willem Dafoe have both gotten this far in their careers without working with one another until now. I feel like Dafoe should be a Burton regular by now among the likes of Keaton, DeVito, HBC, and Johnny Depp.

I thought the characters were awesome and that Catherine O’hara stole every scene she was in. She was damn hilarious here. It was amazing that so many years later, the original cast felt like older versions of themselves—really good acting on Keaton, Ryder, and O’hara’s part.

For sure, one of the better legacy sequels. The plot was a bit busy at some points, but the sheer vibe, faithfulness, and additional world-building helped get it past those issues.

Honestly, what I love about this movie is that it felt like the 88 movie and the cartoon at the same time, which is why I wasn’t so mad about the villains this time. The only really surprising thing about this movie is that it took 36 years to finally get made.

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